Meditation and mindfulness practices have been studied in a range of contexts – from college students to hardened marines (who showed faster stress recovery with mindfulness-based mind fitness training). Leaders who meditate think more clearly, stay calm in chaos and make smarter decisions. You don’t need a mountain retreat to channel the Zen; meditation apps like Headspace, Calm and Insight Timer provide pocket-sized guided sessions to ease into this practice anywhere, anytime.

Want to meditate without interruptions? Just hit “Do Not Disturb” on your phone. On Android, swipe down and tap “Do Not Disturb.” Apple folks, find it under “Settings” > “Focus” > “Do Not Disturb.”

Customize it to keep those calls and notifications quiet. This way, you can meditate peacefully and stay sharp for those big business moves.

Check out the Balance App for your phone.  It has great meditation practices, and has an extended free trial.